Thursday, April 2, 2009

My encounters this morning

I hear the shuffling of feet in the middle of the night.
I haven't heard that noise in a few months but now it's back.
It's not a ghost. I feel like I know what it is but sometimes I'm not entirely sure.
I know about the Shadow People but I know it's not a Shadow Person - although I see Shadow People throughout my house - sometimes.
I know it's not a Shadow Person because of this incident I had last year or the year before (I can't remember now), when I used to sleep on the other side of my bed...
My BF likes to sleep in pitch darkness, so our window is covered with a heavy forest green blanket. Only a sliver of light shines in our bedroom. I sleep in a cocoon of sorts (always have) with the blankets wrapped around my head with only my face sticking out. Sometimes, I'll only leave my nose sticking out.
This night was very peculiar because I fell asleep with no problem on my right side, facing out towards the nightstand that is 5 or 6 inches away from the bed. Something roused me out of my sleep (I think it was a dream I was having) and I opened my eyes to see 2 eyes staring right into mine.
Now, it's important to note that we don't have any kids or pets or roommates. Whose eyes were staring at me?
Afraid, I covered my head with my blanket, even though I was drenched in sweat. I waited a few more minutes and uncovered my face slowly. The eyes were still staring at me. The sliver of light from the window revealed a shiny, gray skin and all the other characteristics of an Alien. I knew that's what it was since I had seen so many specials on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the SciFi Channel and even The X Files.
It was also NOT my first encounter.

Back when I was 15 or so, my Mom's subdivision was still under heavy construction. Where the pool is now, there used to be loads of trees. I was taking our beloved Cocker Spaniel for a nighttime walk and something compelled me to walk into the woods. We walked and walked further into the trees and we saw some flashing lights heading towards us - similar to flashlights frantically shining between trees. My dog was barking furiously and when the lights got close enough to temporarily blind us, he siddenly stopped. I remember looking down to see if he died or passed out or something but he was STILL BARKING only no sound was coming out. I looked in his direction and saw 3 aliens coming towards us.
I stood, paralyzed by my own fear, and when I tried to move my arms and legs, nothing happened. It felt like I had a giant concrete boulder on my chest and I couldn't breathe. I only saw flashes of light, fire, water and deep space infront of me. Voices were in my ears telling me to be wary of the future. There would be much fire and suffering. Space will be revealed to us somehow.
And as suddenly as it came, it went. I heard my dog barking again and he was tugging on the leash towards our house. When we walked through the door, my Mom told me that we need to go back out since we were only gone about 5 minutes or so. It felt like we had been gone for an eternity.

So...I know what was staring at me was an alien that night a few years ago. And I saw it again in my kitchen this morning - only for a brief moment. But something else happened: I also saw 2 shadows looking like they were hiding from me. These were not alien shadows. I believe they were Shadow People.

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